Our conferences
Fundació Scito is committed to society and its concerns. For that reason, since 2019, we have organised events that deal with topics of social interest. Among these events, we highlight CcliVal and Port a Debat.
External Projects
24th International conference on solid state ionics
The focus of this conference will be how to promote basic research, materials discovery and materials processing for application in the electrochemical devices urgently needed to achieve the green energy transition. We will also focus on the advanced characterisation and modelling techniques necessary to support and accelerate this process. Finally we will cover the application in to a range of devices including novel applications in electronics.
Organisers: SSI Local Commitee, Fundació Scito
ChemBio VI
The VI GEQB bienial meeting (ChemBioVI) brought together world-renowned scientists to share their recent research and vision for the future, to discuss the latest advances in the understanding of bio-mechanisms/structure-activity relationships, new products, and advances in our understanding of the factors that promote translation from basic science to clinic use.
Organisers: GEQB (RESQ), Fundació Scito
SUNRISE: Powering Green Recovery
Held on September 2021.
The theme for this symposium was ‘Powering Green Recovery’, and included a technology showcase session, as well as sessions on PV, social science, and industry. With the effects of the pandemic being felt across the globe and the approach of COP26, thoughts have turned to how we can best stimulate a recovery that benefits the environment, the economy, and people. At SUNRISE, we aimed to contribute to a global green recovery through researching and delivering innovative renewable energy solutions through our global collaboration of leading research teams and industries.
Organisers: Sunrise, Fundació Scito
SUNRISE: Energy Sustainability and Water
Held on February 2021.
This conference gathered academics, students and professionals from the United Kingdom and Global South to discuss solar power and other renewable energy technologies designed for a sustainable rural development. Some of the topics debated were about the deterioration of drinkable water and the solutions to improve them, recycling of lithium batteries, sustainable energy storage, and mini solar power network to access sustainable energy.
Organisers: Sunrise, Fundació Scito
SUNRISE: Solar Energy Technologies for Sustainable Rural Development
Held on September 2020.
This conference gathered academics, students and professionals from the United Kingdom and Global South to discuss solar power and other renewable energy technologies designed for a sustainable rural development. Topics such as the funding of projects and citizen participation were dealt with in this event.
Organisers: Sunrise, Fundació Scito
Our own projects
Valencia’s port expansion to debate
Held during the months of June and July 2020
The expansion of Valencia’s port is, since 1886, a topic that causes controversy due to the difficult equilibrium between economic expansion and sustainability, between the expansion of ways of transport and the protection of the environment. Fundació Scito and Càtedra Territorial Valenciana invited the principal agents involved to debate about the project.
Organisers: Fundació Scito, Càtedra Territorial Valenciana
Climate change impact on the environment and Valencian society. Effects, mitigation and adaptation.
Held on May 2020
CCliVal is an online conference that brought together experts and citizens to analyse the impact and effects of climate change in our environment. There were four main topics: environmental effects, administrative management by public institutions, environmental education, and social awareness on climate change.
Organisers: Fundació Scito, Caixa Popular
Electron Beam Spectroscopy for Nano-Optics
Held on June 2021
The research area of nanophotonics, the study of light at the nanoscale, has experienced a dramatic growth in the recent years. To further advance this field, it is essential to develop novel characterization techniques that are able to generate, probe and control light at length scales far below the diffraction limit of light. Different studies were discussed in this event were professionals of the field participated.
Organisers: AMOLF, Fundació Scito